
The Molyneax Situation pt.5: Microsoft Public Relations

Endings are always sad, but at least this is only the ending of The Molyneaux Situation series!

Now I gotta come up with more shit. DAMN!

Well, all's good. Any-whoos! I finally picked up Dragon Age: Origins, and I AM HOOKED! An' I ain't talkin' Petey Pan here! If Dragon Age were a worm, then I might as well be a hungry large mouth bass, or salmon, maybe a barracuda, yeah barracuda's are cool! Oh, ahem! Yeah, well, I can safely say that I can recommend this game to anyone that is an RPG fanatic! Customization, looting, leveling and any other 'ings you can think of it is in Dragon Age. Eerily though, I can see the remnants of Jade Empire and not Mass Effect. I mean the animations or actually quite similar among the three, but DA has a more Jade Empire-y thing going on. Still a great game though.

I also got Modern Warfare for Michelle, and she took to it like a hand getting into a glove, it may not look like it fits when you look at the glove but, then you start to cram that hand in and it just slips in there like margarine. Or with margarine, which ever one comes first. Tekken 6 is coming in the mail so thats going to bee awesome! I'll tell you about that one when it comes on 4-7 days. Plus, I'll be slowly making the transition into doing art full time of some sort. Very slowly I might add, 'cause I'm still thinking of how to approach this new animal of free lancing or at least do some commission work until I am captured by some comic book maker and made there art monkey slave.

That actually sounds rather nice. Better than scanning CATs all night!

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